IPS Corporation Acquires Plumbing Cement Assets of Schwartz

IPS acquires Schwartz Chemical's solvent cements, enhancing Canadian Plumbing/HVAC offerings with streamlined ordering.

IPS Corporation Acquires Plumbing Cement Assets of Schwartz

IPS Corporation's Plumbing Division is pleased to announce the acquisition of the solvent cement assets of Schwartz Chemical Corporation. This acquisition is the latest step in providing the industry's best-known brands under the IPS umbrella in the Canadian Plumbing/HVAC marketplace.

Schwartz solvent cements will be available under the "One Order, One Shipment, and One Invoice" program, and will continue to be manufactured in Canada. The acquisition of Schwartz plumbing solvent cements is part of our growth strategy in Canada.

Schwartz Chemical Corporation has been offering plumbers and consumersa full line of proven solvent cements, primers and cleaners for professional ABS, PVC and CPV plumbing projects since 1969.

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